Save 20% on Fresh Lettuce This Week With SavingStar!!

Save 20% on any single purchase of loose, unwrapped Lettuce at participating retailers. See offer info for complete details. Check back every Tuesday for a new Healthy Offer..Expires 10/24/2016.Save 20%.

Get 20% on any single purchase of loose, unwrapped Lettuce at participating retailers this week with SavingStar!

Never heard of Saving Star? Basically you can create an account with SavingStar and download eCoupons onto your Shopper’s Card.  Anytime you purchase those products and use your eCoupons, the same amount will be put into your SavingsCard Account.  You can then redeem those points for things like FREE Gift Cards to Amazon or Paypal.

Here is how to get all set up and ready to go:

  • Create an account on SavingStar
  • Then, add your Shopper’s Card to your account.
  • Browse for Grocery Store eCoupons and add them to your card.
  • At checkout, your purchase total will stay the same and the money is put into your SavingStar Bank.

**Any store that has a shopper’s card can have eCoupons put on them through SavingStar. YAY!  Also, please note that your total WILL NOT change with the eCoupons on your card.  Instead of your grocery total lowering, you will have the same amount put into your account to earn free gift cards instead.

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