Keeping Busy on Snow Days


With the winter about to hit in full force, many parents are left to wonder how to keep their kids busy on snow days. Let’s face it, when your kids are inside long enough they’re either going to start fighting or they’re going to start whining. Keeping them busy usually helps to prevent either of those things from happening.

Here are a couple of ideas to help you keep your kids busy and happy during snow days:

Have them play in the snow of course

There’s no better way to spend a snow day then in the snow. Bundle them up but hats and gloves on and send them out for an epic snowball fight, pretty snow angels, or to builds a fun Snowman. Just make sure they don’t stay out there too long!

Game Day

Break out your collection of board games and keep them busy playing!  We play more games during the winter than during the rest of the year combined.  

Arts and Crafts

Getting your kids creative is a fun way to keep their minds working while they are home from school.  You can find great deals on kids crafts at stores such as Michaels and Joann. They can paint, draw, color, make paper snowflakes and so much more.

Bake Some Goodies

Snow days are the best days for baking for several reasons; it’s cold outside and firing up your oven helps heat the house, it is another activity that helps keep their mind working and let’s face it…Yummm! Who doesn’t like baked goodies??

Serve up some hot cocoa

Hot cocoa is a must during those cold snowy days.  Spend a little bit of time making homemade hot chocolate (save the packets for those times when you are in a rush).

Watch Movies

Put together a list of movies, grab a blanket and a pillow and snuggle up on the sofa.  Start with the first movie on your list and start a marathon.  Watching movies and staying warm is a great way to spend a cold Winter’s day.  Sometimes lazy days like this are just what we need.

So how about you?  How do you like to spend your snow days?  Is there anything else that you would add to this list?

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