Gift Wrapping Hacks and Ways to Save Time & Money!


If you’re like me you love wrapping up your gifts until after you’ve done a few, then you’re thinking “how many more do I have to go”. Well there are some awesome tips and tricks out there and I’ve compiled some of my favorites! There are different ways of wrapping and different things you can use to wrap your gifts up with that you might not have thought of!

  1. Wrap your gifts on a diagonal to get it done quickly! This video will show you just how to do that! If I could wrap all my gifts this fast, I could really save some time.
  2. This might sound weird but have you thought about using a chip bag to wrap your gifts in? Just empty out the chips or save your bags once they’re gone. Then wipe and rinse them out before your wrap your gift. You can cut them open and turn them inside out for a pretty shiney look!
  3. Recycle your paper grocery bags as wrapping paper. This is perfect for a rustic look and you’re recycling as well.
  4. There were sometimes we would use old newspaper. I loved to use the comic section but really any of them would work.
  5. Wrap your gifts in fabric! I love this idea because I have tons on hand! We also have some friends that make bags out of Christmas fabric and then just use them over year after year – I thought that was a great idea! Can you imagine how much time you could cut out of not having to wrap each gift? And all those odd shaped gifts – no more figuring out how to wrap them.
  6. Sheet music! Have a bunch of music you’d like to get rid of? Use it to wrap your gifts in! This would be beautiful in a piano room to have all your gifts in sheet music.
  7. Make a small gift box out of toilet or paper towel roll! This is great for gift cards or handing out candy to your children’s friends. There’s really so many things you can put inside these rolls.
  8. Make your own bows out of newspaper or old magazines! Although this might take some time they add a great touch to your gifts and I bet you could get your kids to help out in making them. You can find the directions on how to do this here.
  9. Recycle your old ribbon by getting the kinks out with a flat iron! Don’t throw that stuff away, you can easily store all your Christmas ribbon in your Christmas boxes and use it again and again.
  10. Maybe you’ve seen this before but you can create your own bags out of wrapping bag. You can watch this YouTube video to see just how to do it. It’s pretty simple and great for the odd shaped gifts.

I’ve also had wrapping parties! I get some of my friends together with a few gifts and that way we can chat and enjoy each others company while getting our wrapping done! Anything you do to enjoy wrapping gifts? Have any tricks of your own? We’d love to hear about them all!

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