6 Ways to Save Money on Books!


Did you know that March is National Reading Month?  That means that it is time to get yourself a new book and time to work on getting your kids into reading!  I absolutely love that my kids love to read.  I also love it when they ask me for new books (instead of toys or candy), but books are not cheap these days, so I cringe a little when they ask me in store.  I much prefer they ask me at home so that I have time to research the best deals that I can get them for.  If you are the same way and don’t like paying those exorbitant costs for new release books, check out these 6 ways to save money on books that I follow each and every time I shop for new reading materials. :)


Here are six ways to save money on books:


  1. Shop Amazon of course.  I heard today that 70% of all books are sold on Amazon. That leaves two reason that you’re going to find your best bet for good deals there. Was that much of a selection competitive pricing is going to be much more serious.   Be sure to always check under the “Other Sellers” tab on the product page to find the best deals.
  2. Check out Costco or other membership clubs.   We have a Costco membership and almost always find great books there for much lower price than you will find at the new stand. They typically have best sellers, new releases, and lots of kids books.
  3. Yard sales.  Many, many people who are big readers only read their book once and then they want to get rid of it.  During the Summer months, stroll through yard sales to find awesome deals on books!  I regularly find them for $0.25 each shopping this way.
  4. Thrift Shops.  Most thrift shops have hundreds, if not thousands of books on hand.  I love shopping thrift shops for books because you can find them year round (as opposed to just Summertime for yard sales, plus, most are in great shape because they are read and then donated by most book owners.
  5. Kindle books.  Okay, so this is kind of a part 2 to our Amazon suggestion, but you will often find much cheaper deals on Kindle versions than paperback or hardcover.
  6. Library. The library will always be a great option for those of us wanting to read a new book.  Checking out a book from the library is free after all and you have several weeks before it is due again.  This, of course, isn’t ideal if you are really wanting to own the book, but it is a great option if you are short on funds.


Are you a bookworm?  How do you prefer to buy your books?


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