4 Side Jobs that You Can Do to Earn Extra Money


side jobs

Do you want to take a vacation this Summer?  Are you needing to pay off some bills? Are you feeling crunched on your budget?  Not to fret, there are things that you can do to earn some extra money to take care of your responsibilities or just to go have fun!

Here are 4 side jobs that you can do to earn extra money:

Housesitter – This is a side job that is typically best left to those without children, but you can make several hundred dollars per weekend house and pet sitting for people.  For example, whenever we go out of town I pay my cousin (she is in her early 20s) $100 to hang out at our house and watch the dog.  I don’t have to worry about my home or pooch while I am away and she is able to get a break from her roommates and earn some easy cash.  It works out great for both parties.  I’m sure I would need to pay her more if she wasn’t family though.

Tutor – If you are good at a particular subject, you might consider tutoring middle and high school students.  You can occasionally do this online as well as in person.  Many tutors charge $20+ or more per hour so if you do this for even 10 hours per week, you are looking at an extra $200 per week!  We still have 10+ weeks til Summer…that means that you could have another $2k to use for your Summer vacation fund.

Baking – Are you good in the kitchen?  Why not consider using your skills to bake cakes for special occasions.  I recently bought a cake from a girl who is trying to get her feet off the ground in the baking industry.  She charged $2 per serving ($20 for the cake I bought).  Not much more than the cakes you can buy in store and way tastier, plus I know I am helping her, so I was very happy with the purchase.
Yard sale – Okay, this is not exactly a side job per say, but it is a great way to bring in some extra cash.  Best part?  You are clearing out some major clutter while you are earning money!  I had a 1 day yard sale last Summer and made $150.  Not too bad for 6 hours of work. I live in a small town though, a friend of mine also had a yard sale last Summer and she and her family made over $800!

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