Kroger & Affiliates FREE Friday Download Coupon For A FREE Smarfood Delight Popcorn!

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Today only, April 28th, you can download an eCoupon onto your Kroger (or Kroger Affiliate) Store Card that will allow you to purchase a Smartfood Delight Popcorn for FREE!

To get this coupon, sign into your Kroger (or Kroger Affiliate) account today, April 22nd, and load the eCoupon to your store card. Then, the next time you are at a Kroger or Kroger Affiliate store, grab the Smartfood Delight Popcorn, scan your store card at checkout and the snack will be FREE!

Don’t forget to checkout the other offers Smith’s has this week over on my Smith’s Weekly Deal post! 

**Coupon valid at any Kroger or Kroger Affiliate Stores. (Think Smith’s, Ralph’s, King Soopers, etc.) Coupon expires 5/15/2017.

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