STOP Spending Your Money on These 9 Items!

We’re all trying to cut back and save money but for us, we’re trying to go from two incomes to just one…and that can be rough. So I’ve put together a list of items that you should not be spending money on if you’re trying to cut back!

I’ll start with the one that probably everyone has heard of but it’s a big expense! If you haven’t already done so cut the cable! There are other options out there to still be able to enjoy your shows without paying the big cost. We all love Netflix and Hulu but if you’re paying for the internet there’s lot of shows you can watch there too. Don’t forget if you have Amazon Prime they also have lots of Amazon Instant Videos! (You can get a 30-day free trial of Amazon Prime here.)

If you enjoy filtered water and that’s why you buy bottled water than maybe try switching to a Brita Filter that you can use to fill up your reusable water bottles. Stock up price for bottled water is anything under $.10 per bottle but if you’re drinking a lot of water, which I hope you are during these hot days, those bottles add up quickly!

Usually when you can do something yourself you’ll save lot so money. I’m talking about haircuts! I have learned over the past 9 years how to cut my husband’s hair because he was having to go in to get it cut every 3-4 weeks! I’ve now starting cutting our kids hair as well saving us tons of money! It’s easy and there’s lot of videos online you could watch if you want to learn more.

One things I switched up was buying dryer sheets. I’ve gone to using dryer balls and I seriously love them so much I even bought my mom a set for Christmas. These have not only saved us from having to buy dryer sheets but it’s cut down the drying time meaning our dryer isn’t having to run as long and hopefully prolonging the life of it.

This one is a little tricky for us but I can see the savings. We use a lot of paper towels! From the kids cleaning up spilled milk in the morning to wiping down the table after dinner. So we bought some rags to keep in the kitchen under the sink and the kids can use those for their spills. Then they just through them in the wash room and I was them with the rest of our loads.

Ok, you’ll have to have some disciple with this but think about all the junk food you buy! The cost is really stacking up. I’m not saying no more treats but try cooking them from scratch. And the kids are getting candy all the time from the 4th of July parades to just about every holiday that comes around – you don’t need to be buying them more. It’s something you can afford to cut out.

I hope you guys know you shouldn’t be paying for shipping! The only time I’m even ok paying for it is when the item is free and I’m just paying shipping cost but even then it can’t be more than I’m willing to pay for just the item. Many times companies will offer free shipping for a limited time if they don’t already offer it every day.

Do you pay for monthly memberships? Maybe to the gym, car wash or even golf course? If these memberships aren’t being used you are wasting money on them each month. Maybe sure before you consider buying into a membership you read the fine print and I recommend just skipping them all together if you’re really trying to cut back as these are usually just wants and not needs.

Preventative maintenance is a way to save on bigger expensive and that includes dental hygiene as well. Brushing twice a day for two minutes could save on you bigger costs down the road. So take the short time each day to brush your teeth!

Want to find more ways you can save money and cut things out? Checkout this article on 10 Big Money Wasters!

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