FREE Children’s E-Books Through BookBub!

Looking for free ebooks? BookBub features limited-time offers for the best free books in over twenty genres, from both top-tier publishers and critically-acclaimed independent authors. These free ebooks are available on all devices, including Kindle, Nook, iPad, and Android.  So, how does it work?

BookBub doesn’t actually sell books, it simply alerts you by email to fantastic limited-time offers that become available on retailers like Amazon’s Kindle store, Barnes & Noble’s Nook store, Apple’s iBooks, and others. You get to choose the types of books you want to be notified about plus, their team of experts will make sure that they are only featuring great deals on books that you’ll love. So if you love to read, have kids that love to read, and loving having an extensive ebook library, BookBub is perfect for you! 

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