5 More People That You Should Be Buying A Christmas Gift For

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Have you created your list yet?  You know, the list of all of the people that you need to shop for this holiday season?  I know you have included your kids and your parents.  Possibly your siblings and definitely your in laws.  Nieces and nephews have probably made the list.  And whoever you have drawn for in your workplace gift drawing.  But is that is?  Or, can you think of some other people that you should add to that list?  I find myself every year scrambling to get gifts for several people that I always forget to add to my list so I have decided to create a outside list so that i can look through it each year and decide if these people should be added.  If you finding yourself in the same conundrum each year as well, feel free to take a look:

Here is a list of 5 More People That You Should Be Buying A Christmas Gift For:

  1. Mail delivery person.  If you are like me, you do a lot of your Christmas shopping online which means that your mail person has been hard at work delivering your purchases.  Why not buy them a little gift such as a $5 Coffee Shop Gift Card.  It will make their day!
  2. Your supervisor at work.  Okay, some may call it brownnosing, but I call it networking.  It’s always good to stay on the boss’ good side.  Why not leave a little gift on their desk to let them know you appreciate them.
  3. Your kids’ teacher.  Teachers work hard every year.  Make sure they know that they are not forgotten during the holidays.  I prefer buying gift cards for these as I’m sure teachers don’t have endless space for gifts each and every year, but that is a personal preference.
  4. Neighbor.  I have a neighbor that delivers baked goods to me each and every year for the last 8 years and I moved 4 years ago!  They never forget about our family, so I have made it a rule to never forget about theirs.
  5. Relatives in a nursing home.  Please don’t forget about the relatives that you have that may be in a nursing home.  Nursing home residents get lonely, especially during the holidays.  You might also consider bringing gifts to nursing home residents that don’t have family that visits.

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