5 Reasons You Should Say No to Resolutions

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Do you find yourself setting a New Year’s Resolution each and every year?  How do you do on them?  Do you follow through and find success?  Or do you bail on them within the first couple of weeks?  To each their own of course, but I have found it better to not set resolutions at all.

Here are 5 reasons you should say no to resolutions:

  1. No disappointment.  Seriously, it’s hard not to feel down on yourself when you bail on your resolutions.  If you don’t set them, them you don’t have reason to disappoint yourself.  This may seem overly simplified, but it is true.
  2. You don’t need to set a date.  Seriously, if you need or want to make a change in your life, just do it.  No need to wait until January 1st to do so.  Don’t you deserve better than to put off your dreams?
  3. Break away from the crowds.  Maybe it’s just me and maybe I’m silly, but I don’t like to do things just because everyone else is doing it.  I like to live a little differently.  I prefer to make my life changes as soon as I decide to, not because we are all taught to do it on New Years.
  4. You need to challenge yourself.  By waiting until January 1st to set a resolution, you are saying that you aren’t ready.  When in reality, you are just hesitant to do so.  Challenge yourself to make the change now and don’t wait.  You will be glad you did.
  5. You can take pride knowing it didn’t take a resolution to make a change.  You are strong, you are smart, you do not need to follow a resolution made on New Year’s to prove this to yourself.  You can do it now!

I may no longer make resolutions, but instead, I do always choose to make life-changing affirmations and pick a positive word for the year.

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