Learning to Ski: Tips & Tricks for the Young & Old (Money Saving Tips Too!)

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Recently we’ve begun the adventure of learning and re-learning to ski. When I was young it came so naturally. Yet, as I’m getting older re-learning something takes time and patience. Our kids are learning to ski for the first time and they absolutely love it. They glide down the hill so easily as I had done at their age. Now you see my husband and I re-learning these tricks and taking our time to go down the mountain. As we’ve all been learning to ski, here are a few tips and tricks we’ve found out along the way. Hopefully they will help you out too.

Sign up for a Ski School. This is definitely the best way to learn. Learning from a professional will get you started on the right track from the beginning. Our kids have been in ski schools and they learn so fast. Plus, they have people there to help with safety. They are safely guided and taught before they are sent out on their own. To begin with, find a small resort and look for after school ski schools. Those ones are typically cheaper than weekend ski schools. Typically, you can save money by registering more than one kid at a time. If you don’t have more than one kid, then ask a neighbor or friend if they want to sign up as well. Then split the cost!

Watch YouTube Videos. This might sound funny, but it really helped out my husband. He was a beginner and had never been skiing. He started watching How to Ski YouTube videos and then implemented those tips into his skiing. It helped so much! Start at the very beginning episode- -even how to put on skis and go from there. It will make you more confident and ready to attack the slopes.

Choose a Beginner Ski Resort. When we were looking for a good ski school we looked for a resort that had plenty of beginner hills. When you are starting out you don’t want to go to the biggest resort. Start small and work your way up. Usually when you find a smaller resort with smaller hills you won’t be paying as much either. That’s a great way to start out.

Be comfortable. I mean this for both clothing and ski equipment.  It’s SO important to get the right boots and skis. Ask your ski shop if they could fit your boots for you. It will make all of the difference when you are out on the slopes. Having the right fit makes it easier to ski. You don’t want to be fighting bad skis or boots that are too big. Also, be sure you are dressed appropriately. Besides a warm coat, gloves, ski pants and a helmet, we also found we needed a ski mask and balaclavas.  This will help with the cold wind that could make it miserable. Dressing appropriately will help you have a great time skiing.

Practice makes perfect. Now I’m not suggesting you will be a perfect skier. But just like any other sport, you must practice in order to get better. Skiing is the same. It will take multiple times or even another season of skiing to get better and better. We love going with neighbors and friends too. This helps you get out and practice more often.

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