Clean Your Kitchen Faster with These Step by Step Tips

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Can you use a little bit of help getting your kitchen in order?  If you hate spending all of your time cleaning, check out these tips I have listed below to help you clean your kitchen faster.

  • Gather your supplies.  Do you keep all of your supplies in the same place?  Gather them now before you begin.  All of the cleaners, rags, sponges, etc.
  • Prepare all dishes at once.  Do you have a sinkful of dirty dishes? Take a minute or two to scrape them all into the trash (or garbage disposal) at once.  I have found that following the steps all at once makes the process much quicker.
  • Soak any dishes that need it.  Fill up your sink with hot and soapy water and then place any dishes with stuck on food in it to soak.  
  • Wipe down the counters, stovetops and the front of your appliances.  While your dishes are soaking, take this time to wipe down the counters.
  • Gather non-kitchen items.  If your house is anything like mine, you get lots of stuff in your kitchen that do not belong in the kitchen.  Now is the time to gather all of that together and get it out of the room.  I typically grab a small basket to gather everything together and set it in another room until the kitchen is done.
  • Time to do the dishes.  Okay, now that the dishes have soaked for a while, you can load them up in the dishwasher and get the wash cycle started.
  • Sweep the floors.  Now is a great time to sweep the floors since you have already wiped down the counters and moved the non-kitchen stuff.
  • Mop (if needed).  You really don’t need to mop every day, but if you haven’t done it for a while, or if you have a messy area that needs to be cleaned, now is the time to break out the mop.  I often just wipe down the messy areas with cleaning wipes except for on my mopping days.
  • Take out the trash. Either take out the trash or recruit someone to do it for you (I have 3 children and a husband…I haven’t taken out the trash in years!)

All of these steps can be completed very quickly.  The key is to do them in order and not procrastinate.  You can easily have your kitchen cleaned in 15 minutes.

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