How to Make Your Spring Cleaning Project Successful

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Have you started your spring cleaning project yet?  If not, do you have plans to start soon? Spring cleaning can sometimes be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be hard.  Plan accordingly and it can be an easy project.

Here are some tips on how to make your spring cleaning project successful:

  • Gather your supplies.  I hate hate hate starting a project only to realize that I don’t have all of the supplies that I need for it.  Be sure to gather all of your cleaning and organizing supplies at the beginning of your project so that you aren’t constantly going back and forth for them.
  • Start Small.  I’m sure you have more than one project to focus on with this spring clean, make sure you that you choose one of the smaller jobs to start with.  Big ones can be overwhelming and easy to give up on.
  • The rule of ten.  In every room I clean during my spring cleaning project, I make it a goal to throw out 10 things.  No, I don’t mean I pick things up only to put them into another room, I mean I pick up 10 different things from each room to very specifically throw them away.  I am all about minimalism these days and that is the focus of my spring cleaning this year.
  • One room at a time.  When you have a lot of work to do, it’s easy to jump from one room to another getting little jobs done.  This is not an efficient way to get your project done because you can’t focus on each job itself when you are busy moving room to room.

I am ready to hit this spring clean full force my friend!Can you think of any more tips for me to utilize during my project?

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