FREE Activities to Do This Summer With Your Kids!

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free summer activities for kids

My kids are almost out of school and I have to say…I’m excited! I know to some of you that might sounds weird but I’ve got planned some fun things for us to together to create memories. Now I had to get create because we’re working on paying off some debt but I didn’t want to sacrifice on fun. So I’m sharing with you what we have planned in hopes that you can have a great summer too!

  1. Attend City Events (We have city days we celebrate as well as holiday events close by – parades, food, booths, fireworks, car shows and more)
  2. Attend the Home Depot kids workshop
  3. Backyard Camping
  4. Bake Goodies
  5. Bike Rides
  6. Bowling (We signed up for free bowling this summer)
  7. Create a Scrapbook
  8. Free Movies (a locally owned theater offers free movies)
  9. Free Museum Days (We have free days we love to attend supported by the county)
  10. Go fishing (kids under age can fish for free)
  11. Go Geocaching
  12. Hikes
  13. Learn to Sew
  14. Make Cards
  15. Michael’s Craft classes for kids
  16. Parks
  17. Picture Scavenger Hunt
  18. Pinterest Craft
  19. PJ Day
  20. Plant Herbs From Seed
  21. Read a Thon
  22. Rock Hunts (find painting rocks around the area, and create some to leave)
  23. Science Experiment
  24. Service project
  25. Sidewalk Chalk Games
  26. Splash Pads
  27. Teach Double Dutch
  28. Visit the Library
  29. Water Fight (buckets)
  30. Write to a Penpal (You can write to friends far away or ask family members for someone your kids age to write to that live by them)

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