Back to School Tips For An Easier Transition!

How many of you head back to school this month like we do? We’ve been busy going all summer and making lots of memories but that also means we haven’t had much routine. So for the month of August we’re calming down (just a little bit) and getting ourselves ready for back to school. Here’s just some of the things that are going to help us do just that!

  1. One last big event – We’re not done with our fun just cause it is August but we’ve planned one last big fun thing to do as a family before school starts and make it a big deal for the kids. We’re headed to the beach (we don’t live too close to one) but you could do a camping trip, pool party, back yard BBQ or really anything else.
  2. Put together your supplies and shop for what you’re missing – our school takes care of everything the kids need while their in class. But we do need a few extra things at home for homework and crafts and right now is the perfect time to snag those at the store. We’ll grab some glue for projects and a couple packs of crayons but that’s all that’s on our list for home.
  3. Put together your home lunch ideas – we’re just starting into school lunch/home lunch this year so we’re a little new to this. I’ve decided we’ll have a list they can pick from and put that up on the fridge so they know exact what they can take. If you’re lost on what and how to pack your lunch boxes – here’s some great tips!
  4. Get back in routine – bout 2 weeks before school actually starts, begin going to bed at a regular time and even waking up when they should be too. Then about a week before you can even have them start their morning routine of eating, getting dress, teeth brushed and bed made. This will make the transition of getting up and ready easier for everyone.
  5. Get to know your schedule – this can come down to old kids who have different classes. Take them to the school and walk through with them, where their locker is and also where each of their classes are. That first day can be rough when they’re transitioning into a new school but if they know exactly where to go after each class it will help alleviate some of those first day nerves.
  6. Get yourself a routine – now the kids are back in school, what’s on your list of things to do? Set up your routine and what’s going to happen to keep your productive and going. When are you going to the gym? What day is laundry day? Dinner menu? Have these things thought out before hand so you’re ready.
  7. Easy breakfast options – I like to have a variety of options for breakfast but things they can also make or heat up on their own. So our freezer will be filled with frozen french toast, breakfast burritos, we’ll have oatmeal in the pantry as well as cold cereal and they can have yogurt or toast out of the fridge. Some mornings i’ll get up and make eggs and other hot breakfast ideas but this gives them a chance to be independent and make their own breakfast.
  8. Set up your homework station – we have an area in our home that all the kids can do their homework at. It has the computer as well as pencils and other items they might need.
  9. Go through a refresher coarse – if you haven’t been doing math, reading, science, etc through the summer, now is a great time to get started and refresh their minds on what they’ve learned. You can easily pick up a school workbook to have them start in and do 30 minutes of reading time but find what’s best for your child and will get them on the right foot for back to school.

Hopefully this will help those little learners and yourself ease back into the school routine and have the best year! Good luck and enjoy the last bit of summer with your families!

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