How Much Should You Be Spending on Date Nights?

Okay, let’s get real, when was the last time you and your hubby went out on a REAL date? I’m talking a lipstick-dressed up-high heels wearin’ date. For most of us, it doesn’t happen very often.  When we think of a date night it might be a quick dinner at the local Wendy’s, but hey you’re on a date. So how much should you be spending on date nights? For me and my hubby, we like to break it into groups. Couple date nights, routine date nights and unique/new date nights. These categories usually have a similar price point that we try to stay around. We like to spread the more expensive type of dates which are the unique/new date nights throughout the year. That way our date nights are always fresh and different. We usually classify dates this way:

Routine Date Nights: These are the cheapest date nights. These are hopefully every week or every other week. These date nights could be totally free. It could be as simple as a walk through your neighborhood and just talk. It could be a dinner at Noodles & Company with a coupon for a free meal. It could be anything close by that you do regularly. We try and keep these super cheap so we can spend more money on the other dates.

Couple Date Nights: This is obviously when we go out with other couples. This is usually priced between the routine date nights and the unique date nights. This could be a little pricey depending on what you decide to do or it can be super cheap too. Obviously we try and use gift cards or coupons whenever we go out to dinner or to an event. We try and keep this price range around $50-$100. Now everyone is different and every budget is different so you can change it up and put price ranges on these 3 categories to fit your budget. We typically do this a few times a year.

Unique/New Date Nights: These types of dates are your most expensive date nights. These could be dates that cost you even $300 or more. If you have your heart set on seeing Justin Timberlake in concert or you hear that Hamilton the musical is coming to your city, you just might want to splurge and fork out your arm and leg for a ticket. You know what?  Those are super fun date nights and so worth paying the money. Finding a new resteraunt that might cost a little more, but you’ve never been to is so fun to try out. We try to save for these date nights through the year. Some years we only do one of these date nights per year. However, some years we might do more.

So how much do you spend on your date nights? What would you spend more money on and what would you be willing to save money on? Those are some questions you might want to think about. If you are NOT going on date nights, then you totally need to start doing it! You can make a budget and then schedule them out throughout the year. It really makes dating so much fun.

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