Canning Essentials & What You Can Preserve This Fall!

Did you guys realize you can pretty much can at home anything you can buy in cans at the store? Knowing how to do so and having everything to do it right at home can save you so much money year after year! This time of year is perfect to learn how to can since gardens are overflowing and food stands are full of fresh local produce. Here’s a list of everything you’ll need to get started:

  • Jars – pick a size that’s good for your family. We go through canned peaches really fast so I use the quarts. But when I’m canning jelly and jam I use the pints or smaller since it doesn’t get eaten as fast.
  • Lids & Rings – the rings and jars you’ll be able to use over and over (until they get rusted or cracked) but you’ll want to buy new lids each time as the seal is new and will seal your jars properly.
  • Sugar & Lemon Juice – these are the two basic items I use when canning fresh fruit. I’ll also use jello packets (flavored and non flavored) for doing jelly and jam. So make sure you checkout your recipe beforehand.
  • Pairing Knife – almost everything you can you’ll need a good knife to cut, pit and slice to be canned.
  • Water Bath Canner – I love mine, I use it for when I’m blanching my fruit as well as mixing my jam and jelly. But then again to seal my jars too.
  • Jar Funnel & Jar Lift – so I believe these to be option but are handy to have. The funnel will make filling your jars A LOT easier especially with liquids. I personally don’t have a lift for my jars but when canning with my mom she is always using hers. I just use my handy oven mits that are silicone and can withstand the heat. (These will usually come in a canning kit if you prefer to go that route)

Like I was saying though you can really can just about anything you see canned at the grocery store. I’m trying to can (or freeze) just about anything that’s going to go bad before we eat it so we’re not throwing out food. But come fall you’ll always find me canning peaches, plums, apples, pears, tomatoes and more. Here’s a few ideas of what you can do:

  • Fruits like peaches,pears, apples, plums, strawberries, grapes – canned in halves, jam/jelly, leather,  juice, butter, sauce (apple/pear sauce), fillings
  • Veggies like corn, peas, green beans, pickles, cucumbers, peppers, caramelized onions, pumpkin, potatoes, can be canned
  • Tomatoes can be made into spaghetti sauce, tomato sauce, diced/crushed tomatoes, salsa, tomato soup
  • Miced Garlic
  • Can chicken and chicken broth as well as other meats

So what do you enjoy preserving for your family? Have any fun recipes, I love trying new ones! Leave them in the comments below!

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