The Worst Things to Buy in September

The other day we talked about the best things to buy in September, so I thought I would expand on that and we could talk about the things that you might want to avoid buying this month.  Again, I know we are pretty far into the month, but it is still helpful to know!

I am thinking that I will start making this a monthly feature so that we are all on the same page as to what we should be shopping for or looking to avoid during each month.  What do you think?

Okay, back to the matter at hand.  Here are the worst items to buy in September:

  • TVs – Televisions and other electronics are at their best prices during the holidays.  Wait just a few more months to buy a new one for your household.
  • Winter clothes – Summer clothes are what’s on clearance right now, as the winter clothes are just now hitting the racks, wait a bit to buy winter clothes or you will be paying full price.
  • Kids toys – Okay, folks, you know the drill.  Toys drop to ridiculously low prices if you wait until holiday sales, or if you can, until just after the holidays.
  • New phones – New phone models are just now coming out.  Unless you are ok with buying last year’s models (the best idea actually), you should avoid buying right now.  It’ll be much cheaper if you wait even just a few months.
  • Appliances – Unless you are able to score a sweet Labor Day sale, it’s best to wait on appliances until just around the holidays when prices go down.

What has been your best ever September purchase?  What do you wish you would have waited to buy?

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