New Year’s Resolutions That Will Save You Money

Are you tired of setting resolutions that end up costing you more money every year?  I mean, we are here to try and get our budget under control, right?  So, how about this year we focus on setting resolutions that will help us with our budgets?  Check out these New Year’s Resolutions that will save you money in the long run:

  • Eat out less often.  I know this one is often on our weight loss resolutions as well, but let me tell you, the more meals you eat at home as opposed to dining out will save you a tremendous amount of money.  My family was exhausted the other night and I did not feel like cooking so I let my husband buy our family dinner at a fast food drive through.  $38 later, we had dinner.  $38!!  Do you know how many home-cooked meals I could cook with $38?!  We will not be doing that in the new year.
  • Learn new skills.  Learning new skills is always a great idea.  You can build your confidence and build your bank account.  How?  Well, you can turn your new skill into a side hustle, or you can use your new skill to save money on something you pay for currently.  Let’s say you pay $40 a month to keep your nails manicured. Why not learn how to do it yourself and save money that way?  Or, how about you learn how to groom your pets yourself instead of paying monthly to have it done?
  • Practice minimalism.  When you make a true effort to use less things in life, you will end up spending a lot less money. This goes for having less waste in your food budget, to buying fewer clothing and accessories, to saving on your energy bill and perhaps your housing costs (if you decide to minimalize your home as well).
  • Be more active.  Yes, this is another thing that we put on our lists for those times that we want to lose weight, however, it is also a great one for saving money.  How?  Well, the more you are outside being active, the less you are sitting down watching TV or doing other things that cost you money in the long run.  We started this a couple of years ago when we canceled cable.  Not only did we get healthier, but we started saving $100 per month.

Have you found any resolutions that have saved you money?

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