5 Reasons You Should Travel More in 2019

What are your goals for 2019?  If traveling more isn’t on your list, it really should be.  Traveling is so much more than just taking a vacation. Traveling has immense benefits and I don’t know about you, but I think that traveling is simply the best way to spend money!  


If you aren’t yet convinced, here are 5 reasons you should travel more in 2019.


  1. It promotes brain health.  Seriously.  This is because your brain health is strengthened whenever your brain is engaged with new experiences and new places.  Introducing your brain to new things such as this challenges your brain which increases stimulation which has been proven to improve concentration and memory.
  2. Relieves Stress.  This past year my husband and I took our first ever vacation and I am not kidding when I say that by the end of that vacation, my husband was the most calm and stress-free that I have ever seen him.  It absolutely set the stage for us to take more vacations in our life because we deserve less stress.
  3. Better mental health.  Travel can strengthen your mental health as a whole and not just because it relieves your stress.  Because leisure activities have been proven to lower levels of depression, traveling is ideal for those looking to boost their mental health.
  4. Creates lasting memories.  Memories last, “stuff” doesn’t.  Wouldn’t you rather spend your money on a trip you are going to remember forever than something that is just going to clutter up your home?
  5. Travel is rewarding.  You work hard, you deserve to reward yourself.  I’m not saying to blow off your other responsibilities, I’m just saying, consider the fact that you need to blow off some steam once in a while or you are going to crash.  How does the saying go? “All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy” Let’s do better for ourselves!


What is your “why” for traveling?

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