5 Fun Things To Do With the Kids at Home During Spring Break!

Can you believe it’s almost spring? That means spring break is just around the corner and while I’m excited for the change of pace, I know if I’m not prepared and have some ideas we’ll all go crazy! So I’ve thrown together 5 things we’ll be doing over spring break this year.

Backyard Camping – I’m hoping for some warmer weather in which we can pull out the tent and set it up in the backyard. We’ll grill up some food and even roast marshmallows all while having fun in our how backyard.

Bedroom Makeover – my girls’ room has needed a little bit of a face lift so we’re going to tackle their room and make it fun together. From coming up with ideas of things to hang up, to cleaning out the closet, it will be perfect for when school starts back up.

Read a thon – while spring break is just that, a break, I still want my kids keeping up on the things they’ve learned so we’ll be hosting a read a ton! We might invite neighbors over but we’ll have lots of treats and goodies they can enjoy while throwing their pillow on the floor and diving into a good book.

Craft/Baking – we love to craft and are always on Pinterest looking for fun ideas! So we’ll be making time to craft and create something new in the kitchen out of their kids cookbook! And, if the weather is looking good we might create something fun in the garden like getting our fairy gardens put together.

Playdate – these keep me sane. Playdates aren’t just for kids, sometimes I just need the break too and it’s nice to sit down and chat with my mommy friends. We’ll usually make lunch together for all the kids and then clean up and chat about everything while the kids run around and play.

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