Simple & Cheap Ways to Love Your Home Again!

We’re coming up on 5 years in our home. We loved our house when we found it, it was perfect just the way it was. But over time there’s been things we would like to change/do to the house to make it more our own and fall in love with it again. So if you’re in a rut and just looking to love your home again checkout these simple & cheap ways you can do just that.

  • Rearrange – if you don’t already do this you’ll find out fast how rearranging some of your furniture can really change the way you feel about the space. And, it will cost you nothing.
  • Declutter – Here’s another great way to love your home without spending anything. Sometimes when you live in a space for so long you fill it full. But simply getting rid of the things you don’t use and need can make your space not only look bigger but feel bigger too.
  • Add Color – A great way to brighten a place and make it feel inviting is to add some color. If you’re working on loving your master bedroom why not find some fun colored pillows for your bed. You don’t have to go get a whole new bedding set, start small and add color to the space.
  • Eat at Home – as simple as this sounds it can make a difference about how you feel at home. If you’re enjoying your home, using it and being there, you’ll start to love it.
  • Add Plants – for me this one’s tricky cause I don’t have a green thumb. But if you could add some plants maybe in the kitchen, bedroom and even living room you’ll feel a difference in that room.
  • Add Art – so maybe the plant thing isn’t for you, find some art you can add to your walls. I even love the idea of adding family pictures around the house. It will help it feel more homey and liven up the space you’re in.
  • Scents – who doesn’t love the smell of fresh made cinnamon rolls or home made bread? Add your favorite scents to your home. I have a few different ones I love to use to add scent to my home. Often times I’ll turn on our diffuser, light a candle or even spray fabreeze through the house.
  • Slow Down – Take time to breathe in your own home. Grab your favorite drink, a good book, and just sit down. Take time with your family, listen to the birds, watch the rain, get off your electronics and really enjoy your surroundings.

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