5 Ways to Watch TV for Cheap

I know I have told you all before, but I have been over the cable game for a long, long time.  I simply despised paying over a hundred dollars a month just so my family and I could have an excuse to be lazy.  No thank you.

5 Ways to Watch TV for Cheap


Head to the library


Did you know that you can find more than books at the library?  That’s right, your local library will have lots of DVD copies of movies and even TV shows.  All for free! You just need a library card!




YouTube is great, isn’t it? I mean, honestly I don’t think my big kids watch anything other than YouTube for all kinds of things.  Video games being played, TV show reruns, funny videos, makeup and style tutorials. So many options…




Yeah, yeah, I know you were expecting this one, but c’mon.  No one can deny that Netflix changed the way we watched TV and the way that we saved money. Some people don’t love that about them, but I love that I save money so I’m going with it. Plus, Netflix has some amazing original TV shows that you can’t miss! (Stranger Things, anyone….)




Hulu has live sports.  Haha, that commercial is stuck in my head like 98% of them time, but they do have live sports and live TV for those of you that can’t wait for your show to hit Netflix.




As much as we may think it is, TV is not a requirement for a joyful, full life.  Just get out and do something other than watching TV. Even if it is for a small period of time.  When we first began our cable free journey, we started with cutting the cord just during the summer when there were no shows on anyway, and it was great.  It got our family out of the house more and more each day.


Those who have had cable for a long time may think that life without cable is impossible, but I assure you, it is actually quite freeing.

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