Our Favorite Way To Make Calm Down Jars!

We’ve been busy enjoying our summer, but with the busy schedule sometimes emotions get out of control. For years I’ve heard of calm down jars but we finally decided to try them out for ourselves. Guys, these are so fun! Even I enjoy “playing” with them and watching the glitter float to the bottom. Here’s how we made ours.

Image result for bai juice

First we got our jars. I simply used a couple old Bai bottles we had laying around. They worked perfect since they were clear and the labels come off easy. Then we gathered our supplies. You’ll need:

Corn Syrup
Hot Water
Glitter (we used a variety of sizes)
Glitter Glue (found at the dollar store)
Liquid Water Color

To get the right float time you’ll want to have 1/3 of your jar corn syrup and 2/3 water. You’ll want to mix the corn syrup, hot water, liquid watercolor (your food coloring will work just fine) and glitter together with a whisk. (If your glitter is sticking together you can use just a dash or dish soap but we didn’t need to.) Get your bottle and start to poor it in quickly as the glitter will start to settle at the bottom of your bowl. Once you have your bottle filled you’ll want to wipe the rim with a paper towel to make sure it’s dry, then glue your lid on. (I highly recommend this if you have little ones around that would like to open the bottles) We used our hot glue gun and it has worked great. Then shake away and watch the glitter float to the bottom.

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