Fall Cleaning Checklist!

With the kids back in school and the weather starting to cool down you can feel fall is just around the corner. We hear all the time about spring cleaning but what about fall? When you do just a couple things each week you can easily get everything ready for fall, the holidays and enjoying being home!

Clean blinds
Wash windows (inside and out)
Clean window tracks

Clean gutters
Trim plants
Drain and put away hoses
Put away outside furniture and toys

Clean chimney and check fireplace
Change furnace filter
Cover AC unit

Pull out stove and clean behind and under
Clean inside oven and stove top
Pull out fridge and clean behind
Clean fridge coils
Wipe down cupboards
Clean out pantry

You can go into more detail with each room in your house (like bedrooms, living room and even the laundry room) but I like to save that for when the weather is too cold to go outside (because I don’t like the cold). This gets those things done that needs to happen before it’s snowing and your running the heater to keep warm. I also love to do a deep cleaning in my kitchen before I’m there baking all the goodies we eat during the holidays!

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