Great Cost-Saving Ways to Spend Time with Your Family


If you are anything like me, you would give anything to spend more time with your family. I am not one of those mothers that gets excited when the kids go back to school (no judgment), I genuinely love to spend time with the kids and hang out with them.  I enjoy our conversations and learning more about them each and every day.

When my husband is home from work, it’s even better!  He is a busy guy, the big kids are busy with school and sports and we frankly, just don’t have a ton of time to spend together as a family.  We are also on a budget so it’s not like we can just go and do whatever we want. We try to make plans with intention and focus on doing stuff that the entire family will love that doesn’t strain our budget. 

Great Cost-Saving Ways to Spend Time with Your Family


  • Movie night.  Put away the phones and pop some corn!  Have the family snuggle in the living room or family room and watch a movie that everyone agrees with.  Make sure to keep the phones in a different room so one of you isn’t busy scrolling through social media and just hang out.  Watch a movie on Netflix and you won’t have to spend any extra money at all. It’s an awesome way to spend time together. 
  • Go hiking.  Our family hikes a lot so this may be just us, but our hiking trips have been among our favorite family times ever. We are out there getting fresh air and exercise and spending time together.  I love it! We especially love going to new trails.
  • Check Groupon.  I honestly couldn’t tell you how many amazing family experiences that we have had by finding things to do on Groupon.  Groupon is such a great way to find good deals on new things to do. Here are a couple of the things that we have done thanks to Groupon deals:
    • Toured an Elk Farm.  For $6 total, our family visited a local Elk farm.  I didn’t even know that elk farms were a thing, but boy was this fun.  This was like $5 years ago and my kids still talk about it.
    • Visited a wildlife safari for $18 total.  We have a well known wildlife safari here in our state and boy is it cool!  We spent $18 total for the entire family to get in and see elephants, bears, cheetahs, giraffes, ostriches and so much more cool stuff.  We love it.
    • Camped in a yurt 2 nights for $40.  We found an awesome deal and was able to rent a yurt for 2 nights for just $40.  To this date this was our favorite camping trip ever.


What ways do you find to spend time with your family without breaking the bank?

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