Overpriced Grocery Items You Should Avoid Buying!

We can agree that making your own meals at home can really save you money vs. going out to eat. But did you ever notices there are some items overpriced? Here are some overpriced grocery items you should avoid buying when shopping.

  • Pre-Cut Produce – I’ll be the first to admit, I’ve bought pre-cut produce before. It’s usually when I’m in a pinch and head to a party or need to try and eat healthier but I’m to lazy to cut my own. But you pay for this luxury, it sometimes it can be pretty steep.
  • Hard Boiled Eggs – it’s so easy to boil your own eggs, don’t buy them already boiled. It takes little time and little effort to boil them yourself. And if you have an instant pot, you can get the perfect boiled eggs in no time.
  • Out of Season Produce – We have those fruits we just love and want to eat all the time but that doesn’t mean you should. Buying your produce when it’s not in season will cost you. Make sure you know what’s in season when and take advantage of the price.
  • Whipped Butter – Here’s another one of these things you can do easily at home. When you buy it from the store, you’re paying the same price but for less butter. To do this yourself simple take 2 sticks of softened butter, add 1/4 cup milk and beat until light and fluffy. That’s it!
  • Spice Blends – Maybe you’re not a chef but in today’s world, that’s ok. You can get great flavor combining your own spices. Simple look up spice blends online and add them to your main dish.
  • Soft Drinks at Checkout – I know, you’re standing in line waiting for your turn and the cold drinks are calling your name. DON’T buy them! They’re usually listed for $1.99 per bottle. Instead, head to the soda isle and snag a 6 pack for only $2.50 (and sometimes cheaper if you watch for deals) That makes each bottle $.42 a savings of $9.44 per 6 pack! That’s some good savings right there.
  • Meat Patties/Kabobs/Chicken – Are you noticing a trend? You pay for conveniences. Just like the pre-cut product and hard boiled eggs, you pay to have someone else do the work for you. That goes for your meat as well. Buying patties already to grill or kabobs put together is a TON more money than doing it yourself. And these are easy. I’ll even make up patties or kabobs ahead of time and freeze any extras.

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