Spring Break Staycation Ideas


What are you doing for Spring Break? Unless you have planned a getaway already, you may just want to plan to do some fun stuff while you are at home. There are lots of Spring Break staycation ideas out there so that you can have a fun spring break while not hopping a plane anywhere. 

I love a good staycation and have tons of good ideas for you! 

Spring Break Staycation Ideas

Explore Your Local National Park

Do a quick Google search to see what National Parks are near you and head out to visit them on day this Spring Break! You will likely be surprised to learn what you have within driving distance of you! National parks are typically full of beautiful sights that you really don’t want to miss. 

Visit Local Museums

Have you visited the museums in your area? I live in a very rural area and recently visited our local county museum and WOW was it cool! My children and I literally spent an entire afternoon there and loved every minute of it. We learned so much and enjoyed seeing the historical artifacts from our area. 

Head to the Library

With the internet being as prevalent as it is, we often forget to head to the library! The reality though is that the library is a wonderful place to visit, especially if you have small children. Many libraries offer special programs during Spring and Summer break. You may even be able to see a fun entertainer!

Have a Picnic

When was the last time you had a picnic?  It’s probably been a while. Before spring break gets here, stock up on all of your favorite picnic foods and plan a day at the park for a fun, family picnic! 

Just Go Outside

Spending time outdoors getting some fresh air is a wonderful way to share your time with family during spring break. The sunshine does wonders for giving you a refreshed feeling!

What staycation plans do you have for spring break?

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