5 Benefits of Staying Home

Okay, I’m not going to sit here and say that this is a great situation. It is not. That being said, we are in this situation, so we may as well make the best of it. Many of us are home right now. No, we are not “stuck” at home, we are safe at home. Yes, I am one of those people. The ones who would rather us just get through this as best we can and move one once it is done, instead of complaining about it. 

Seriously. With social media being what it is, you can’t scroll through your timeline without seeing countless posts of people complaining that they aren’t getting to go out or do this or that. Look, I get it. My kids are missing out on sports seasons, we have 6 family birthdays in the span of the last 4 weeks and we don’t get to celebrate together like we always do. Here’s the thing though, it really isn’t all bad. There are lots of benefits of staying at home, you may just need to be reminded of them. 

5 Benefits of Staying Home

All of the time Spent with Family

Oh my goodness, I am absolutely loving the time I am spending with my kids right now. During school and sports seasons, sometimes it feels like I barely see them, so this is a wonderful change of pace.

Time to Hone Your Skills

This is the time we have been waiting for my friends. For years you have been saying, “If I had more time I would learn this” or “If I had the time I would make these improvements.” You have the time now!

You are Saving Money

No eating out, no trips through the coffee shops, no random trips to the store for stuff that you don’t really need. Tell me. How much money have you saved these last couple of weeks? 

Your Car is Being Spoiled

Commuting is hard on cars. This time spent at home is allowing your car a break from the constant wear and tear on it. 

You get to Relax

Look, I’m not downplaying the situation we find ourselves in. It is stressful! That said, when was the last time you got the opportunity to just sit back and relax. We have that now. Take advantage.

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