Tips for Keeping Your House Clean


Are you tired of spending your evenings cleaning your house? I like my evenings to be restful, but with 3 kids, it’s almost never restful because I spend all of my evenings cleaning up after them.  


If you are tired of spending so much time doing housework, these tips for keeping your house clean will help keep you more relaxed and doing less dirty work! 

Tips for Keeping Your House Clean

Keep Wastebaskets on Hand


If your kids are anything like mine, it’s surprisingly easy for them to just leave their wrappers all around the house. Keeping wastebaskets on hand throughout your house can help your family clean up after themselves easily. With a wastebasket near them, they have no excuse to leave their trash. 

Focus On Your Kitchen 


Let’s be real here. Our kitchens are the hub of our home. If the hub of your home is messy, it is far more likely that the rest of the house will be. I have noticed this to be true. I like to start my day with a clean kitchen and I know that when the kitchen is clean, I work harder to make sure that the rest of the house follows suit. 


Another kitchen related tip is to use disposable pans when you cook. They are quite cost-effective and let’s face it. It’s really nice to just toss the pan in the trash then try to scrub them clean. If you have a lot going on, don’t be afraid to use disposable dishes too. Sometimes we just need a break!

Make It A Family Rule


Make housework a family activity and make sure the entire family pitches in. I have a teenage boy that complains ALL THE TIME about housework. I used to just send him to his room because I didn’t want to hear about it, but I have since learned the error of my ways. I now make him join in every single day and boy has it made a difference in how clean our house stays. Additionally, since he knows I am going to make him do it anyway, he now cleans his room every single morning before I ask.

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