Even More Cheap Food Items that You Should Always Have in Your Pantry


Did you see our post the other day about cheap food items that you should always have in your pantry? Do you keep those items in your pantry? We only touched on like 3 foods in that post and I know that there are more items out there that we need to keep on hand to keep our food budget down as much as possible. 

Here are even more cheap food items that you should always have in your pantry in order to be well stocked, and have a yummy menu going all week long. Plus, I don’t know about you, but I am desperate to save money and by keeping these foods on hand, it helps you to make sure that your food bill stays low! Do you want to bring down the cost of your food bill each month? 

Even More Cheap Food Items that You Should Always Have in Your Pantry

Peanut Butter 

Peanut butter is tasty, packed with protein and one of the best things you can keep on hand in your pantry. A 16 ounce jar can cost as low as $1.50-$3 and can be used for so many things. Here are some of our favorite ways to use up PB in our family. 

  • Sandwiches for lunch
  • PB Toast for breakfast or snack
  • Added to smoothies and shakes
  • Apples and PB for breakfast or snack
  • Used in tasty dinners like Thai Peanut Chicken
  • Desserts like cookies, brownies and energy bites

Oh, and don’t be afraid to stock up when you see a good sale. Peanut Butter is good for up to a year past the sell by date.


Okay, here’s the deal. Due to a health issue, I cannot consume gluten so I was not planning on adding this one in. However, I still keep pasta in my pantry all the time. Pasta is quite inexpensive (you can also buy a box of pasta for less than $1), plus it’s an easy meal. You only need to top it with a quick sauce and you have a complete meal. 


Oatmeal is a family favorite around here. I buy it in bulk at my local store and store it in food storage jars and we eat oatmeal probably 3 times per week. 

Oatmeal is ridiculously inexpensive (I buy it in bulk at $0.62 per pound), it lasts a very long time (up to 1 year past the sell by date, or 3 years for quick oats), and it’s full of fiber to keep you full throughout the day.

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