10 Fun Things To Do As a Family This November!

I don’t know why but summer seems to fill up with fun activities and things to do so quickly yet when fall and thanksgiving break comes around I draw a blank. It’s like I’m burnt out all my fun ideas for the kids over the summer and am still recovering when Thanksgiving rolls around. So before it’s here and we’re trying to find some last minute ideas of what to do, I’ve put together a fun list of things we can do while the kids are out of school or just need something fun to do on the weekend!

Leaf Glitter: These dimensional drawings are made using leaves from your yard, lending them the subtle colors of late autumn. With a pencil, sketch a simple shape on card stock. A design with just a few lines and lots of space works best. Collect dry leaves in a bag and crush them into small pieces with your hands. Draw over the pencil lines with glue, then sprinkle on the leaf pieces. Let the glue dry, then gently tap the paper to remove any loose pieces.

  1. Thanksgiving crafts – there’s ton on Pinterest but since the kids are out a few days before Thanksgiving we’re going to pull out the craft supplies. My favorite is pictured above. I love how simple it is and something we can go out for a walk to collect our supplies.
  2. A Nature Walk – it’s great weather to head out on a walk. We love hitting the trails around our home.
  3. Pumpkin Waffles – I wanted to find some sort food project to make and bake with this kids and figured they’d love to make waffles together. Thankful Tree Free Printable | Print the tree and the leaves and have everyone write what they are thankful for! Such a cute way to display your gratitude!
  4. Thankful Tree – this is going on all month but we’ll keep adding our leaves until the last day of November. I simple draw a tree on large paper and then we glue on leaves that have things we’re thankful for written on them.
  5. Hot Chocolate and Christmas Movies – after Thanksgiving is the perfect time to turn on your favorite Christmas movie and heat up some hot chocolate.
  6. Feed the Ducks – we love to go to our local duck pond with some seeds and feed the ducks! I’ll usually buy a big bag of bird food and take it down there with us. (I found one at the dollar store so it’s a cheap activity)
  7. Start Christmas Gifts – my kids each make their friends gifts so usually we’ll get started making those and I’ll work on our neighbor gifts. That way come Christmas week we’re not running around trying to get everything finished at ones.
  8. Read-a-ton – the cold weather always has me wanting to grab a good book and curl up on the couch. So bake some treats, pop some popcorn and gather the kids for a read-a-ton.Candy Corn Structures Fall Dissolving Candy STEM activities
  9. Stem Activity – my 3rd and 4th grader loved this activity when we did it closer to Valentine’s day. And with Halloween past us, you should be able to find these on clearance for a killer price.
  10. If it snows over the break we’ll be making Snow Cones! It’s our favorite thing to do on the first “real” snow of the year.

What’s your family’s plan for Thanksgiving break? I hope you enjoy the time you do get with your friends and family and are able to make lots of memories.

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