6 Fun Family Activities You Can do This Valentine’s Day

In my early years of motherhood, Valentine’s Day was just another day with a quick store bought Valentine’s card and a few pieces of candy. My heart wasn’t into it. However, the past couple of years I’ve come to love this day and make it more memorable. Not by buying more candy or giving more gifts, but by spending quality time with the people I love and showing them how much I love them.

I’ve put together 10 activities you can do together as a family to make this day more memorable. You definitely don’t need to do them all. Pick and choose the ones that would fit your family. Have fun planning the day. Hopefully we can make Valentine’s Day 2021 a fun year to remember.

  1. Fun Valentine’s Day Breakfast. Start the day right with a creative breakfast. In years past, we have made pancakes, put a little pink food coloring in them, shaped them into hearts and then put whip cream on them, topped with berries. It’s actually a pretty simple, yet yummy breakfast.
  2. Scavenger hunt. Set up clues around the house for a fun scavenger hunt. You can make this as detailed as you want. You can either put treats or kind notes at each spot, or nothing at all, just have them find the clues to the end where you can have a final treat/toy/surprise. My kids LOVE this.
  3. Candy Gram. Did you ever get these growing up? My parents would make these for us when we were kids and we loved them! Try making a fun candy gram for each kid or even your spouse and tell them how much you love them using yummy candies. Here is one example with some printables as well.
  4. Spend Quality Time Together. If you have a favorite activity to do as a family, make it happen! If you don’t, try playing some games together. Get out those board games and card games and play together. Put away your phones and really talk with the family. Kids can notice when they are getting full attention! Make it happen.
  5. Make Valentine’s for Friends & Neighbors. Growing up we would always make Valentine’s, put them on our friends doorsteps, ring the doorbell and then RUN! It was always so fun and a little terrifying. I’ve noticed no one does that anymore. However, this year would be a great year to do a little door bell dashing to your friends. Who wouldn’t love a little surprise on their doorstep? Think about some older people in your neighborhood. I’m sure they would love this.
  6. Make Chocolate Fondue.  Chocolate dipped strawberries are typical for a yummy Valentine’s day treat. Why not make them from home? If you don’t have a fondue maker, buy one now on Amazon and it will be here in time for the big day. Grab some Rice Krispy treats, marshmallows, pineapple, strawberries, raspberries, bananas, and pretzels to dip in the chocolate. This would be a great way to end off the night.

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