Corona Virus Safety Tips –5 Things You Should Know

How do you stay safe from the Coronavirus? Thankfully, there’s quite a lot of ways you can do this. Some of the best are talked about below. Let’s get into them.

How’s Your Mental Health?

Something that many aren’t focusing on is mental health during the pandemic. The uncertainty of the world can have a toll on how you’re doing. This is especially true if you’re not sure about what is going to happen to your job.

It’s vital that you recognize that staying sane is just as important as not contracting COVID. Thankfully, many governments are providing counseling for free. If you don’t want to go this route, seeking support groups on the internet would help.

How Crowded Is The Space?

Stay away from crowded spaces. The more people in the room, the higher the chances of one of them having the virus. With this in mind, you should follow the news, and stay away from towns and cities that have had high cases of Corona.

If you must visit, make note of the time of day. There would be the most people out during rush hour.

Keep Your Hands Clean

Let’s say you’ve touched something that was contaminated – your hands now have the virus on them. If you touch your mouth, nose or eyes, you’d get sick. That’s why you’re advised to wash your hands regularly. For how long? 20 seconds is the minimum.

Water and soap are not easily accessible on the move, so what do you do? Have hand sanitizers with you. Make sure they are ones with high alcohol percentages, as they wouldn’t be effective otherwise. Options like Germs be gone sanitizers smell good too.

Social Distancing is Key

If you happen to come in contact with someone that is infected, staying 6 feet away from them would help keep you safe. You’d also be safe if the person was wearing a mask. Unfortunately, many people who are infected are asymptomatic, so they don’t know that they are sick – wearing a mask prevents them from passing the virus on, so never forget yours.

Speaking of masks, be mindful of the material they were made from. Germs be gone hand sanitizers are good but so are germs be gone masks. They’re high quality.

How Humid Is the Space?

If you didn’t know, how humid the space is affecting the chances of your contracting the virus. The more humid it is, the moister the mucous membranes in your nose, eyes, and mouth would be. They’d be harder for the virus to pass through.

With a global pandemic still surging, you need to be careful at all times. You’re now aware of the best ways to stay safe. From the points discussed, the best would be to stay away from crowded spaces. You’d limit the probability of coming into contact with someone who is sick. You’d make it harder to get infected by socially distancing too – stay 6 feet away from others.

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