5 Home Improvement Projects to Do in the Fall


Do you own your own home? I don’t know about you, but as a homeowner it seems like I am always doing home improvement projects. That’s especially crazy to me because my home is less than 3 years old. I somehow assumed I would be maintenance free for years to come. Nope. That’s not how it is working out for me. 

I did a lot of yard and garden work over the summer, so now that the weather will start cooling down soon, we will be headed back indoors for some home improvement projects to do in the Fall. 

5 Home Improvement Projects to Do in the Fall

Paint the Front Door

While my house doesn’t need exterior paint, I do want to change up it’s appearance a little bit. That’s why I decided to paint the door! It’s perfect because it’s a small project that will make a big difference. Plus, it is still warm enough that we can paint outdoors and have it dry quickly. 

Honestly, I have a dog and a huge yard. The white door simply wasn’t working out for me anymore anyway. I can’t decide between red, teal and black though! 

Pressure Wash Your Home and Driveway

Now is a great time to get that house clean! If you don’t own a pressure washer, you can hire it out or even rent a pressure washer for a day. Pressure washing is a great way to get rid of any dust, dirt, mold or mildew, which is a great idea to do now before the weather gets wetter! 

If you are not familiar with pressure washing and you plan to do it yourself, be sure and do some research! It’s easy to damage your home’s paint if you use too powerful of a setting. 

Clean Your Chimney

If you have a fireplace or woodstove, fall is the time to get your chimney cleaned and prep your fireplace. Fireplaces can be extremely dangerous, but especially so in the fall when people start lighting those fires again. 

Caulk your Doors and Windows

When home improvement meets saving money it makes me very, very happy. That’s why I highly recommend caulking your doors and windows this fall. This is especially good to do before you turn on your furnace. The nooks and crannies around these areas can cause significant heat loss. Caulking them can seriously save you big on your heating bills.  

Wood Inspection/Repair

The damp days of spring can cause damage to exterior wood on your home. Now is the time to inspect your siding and other wooden fixtures to look for water damage or dry rot and replace them before winter hits and the rain/snow begins again.

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