Gift Baskets Make Great Gifts for Christmas!


Would you like to personalize your gift giving a little more this year? Would you like to give great gifts without the exorbitant price of other gifts that you may find? How about making a gift basket from scratch?


You guys, gift baskets make great gifts for Christmas! Seriously, I’ve never given a gift basket gift and not had it be a hit. Have you ever received a gift basket? What did you think about it?


Gift Baskets Make Great Gifts for Christmas


The great thing about gift baskets is that they can be personalized to make them the perfect fit for the recipient.


DIY Beauty Spa Gift Basket


This basket features bath salts, body scrub, toner and mist, DIY Lip Balm, Body Oil, and face serum all in a cute, well put together basket. This is perfect for your loved ones who need to spend a little more time relaxing and treating themselves. 


DIY Dinner and a Movie Gift Basket


Do you know a couple that rarely takes the time or spends the money for date night? How about surprising them with a dinner and a movie gift basket? Now they have no excuse not to treat themselves to a night out! 


DIY Spa Gift Basket


Here is another great gift basket set for someone that you could use a little pampering. This one features a bath poof, a razor and more! I don’t know about you, but I would love this one. 


DIY Food Basket


I love love love food gifts. Like seriously, I love food gifts. These DIY Food Baskets are going to be a hit with anyone that enjoys receiving foods. 


What type of gift baskets have you created before? Were they a hit? Did you enjoy making them?

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