Stuck in the Car Waiting for Kids? Do These Things While You Wait


Do you have kids? If you said yes, you are probably quite used to waiting and waiting and waiting in your car for your kids. Whether you are at the school pick up line or waiting for them to get out of practice after school, you have likely mastered the art of hurrying up and waiting for them. 

Instead of using this time to scroll social media or play a useless game on your phone, why not do these things while you wait? Multitasking can be a very good thing, my friends!

Stuck in the Car Waiting for Kids? Do These Things While You Wait

Make or Return Phone Calls

Have you been waiting for a break in your schedule to return phone calls? Now is the time. 

Or, do you need to make appointments for you or your family members at the doctor, dentist, etc? This is a great chance to do this. Of course, this one only works if you are stuck waiting in your car during business hours, but it’s the best time to accomplish these things. 

Clean Out Your Car

Grab a bag and start cleaning out all of the trash in your car. Most of us who have kids have trash in our cars, even if it is hidden somewhere. If you don’t, great job! For the rest of us, this is a great time to do it. 

Clean Out Your Glove Box

I feel seen. Seriously, I don’t know why I always forget to do this, but this is a great task to take care of while you are in your car anyway. Why not take advantage of this time to make your car feel less cluttered. 


If your time in the car is going to be a relatively short one (10-20 minutes), why not take this time for yourself. Download a meditation app and just relax. We all need more relaxation in our lives, am I right?

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