Pantry Staples that Last the Longest

Want to make your money last as long as possible? Buy food that lasts as long as possible. Seriously. It is so easy to buy food that just ends up costing you even more money because it has gone bad in your pantry and you just have to throw it away.

Making sure to fill your shopping cart with pantry staples that last the longest really will help you find yourself saving even more money! I don’t know about you, but I have slacked a bit in the last year (I may have possibly gone out to eat a lot) and I could use a little refresher when it comes to money saving tips. 

Pantry Staples that Last the Longest

Canned Food

If you don’t have a good supply of canned food in your pantry, you are doing it wrong. Okay, okay, fresh is best. We all know this, but the reality is, fresh goods go bad much quicker. So, on those days that you try and make something from the crisper drawer and it is old and sad, you don’t have to go to the grocery store. Just reach into your pantry and pull out a canned version of the same thing or something similar. 

Dried Pasta

Dried Pasta literally lasts 2 years in your pantry. Now that is a long time! Stock up and you’ll be set for meals for quite some time. Pasta is great for a base meal (spaghetti, lasagna, etc), but it’s also a great filler which is a necessity when you have teenagers with never ending hunger!


You know what will literally last forever in your pantry? Popcorn kernels. That’s right. When stored in an airtight container they have virtually no expiration date. Once popped though, it needs to be eaten in just a few days. 







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