10 Ways To Simplify Your Life!

We’re coming out of the busy time of year, at least for me. The holidays have us running from store to store, visiting family and friends, making extra trips to the grocery store all while making lots of memories. So I’m planning on taking this month to slow down and simply life. I’ve picked a few things so I don’t get overwhelmed but you can pick anything from this list to get started.

  1. Be Present
    The simple act of slowing down and making yourself present will help you enjoy the little things in life. Don’t worry about missing out or what’s next, just enjoy the time you have right now.
  2. Let Go of the To-Do List
    If you’re like me there’s always a running list of thing to do. This list can range from stuff that has to get done like working, grocery shopping etc, to the stuff I want to get done such as painting, hanging curtains and so on. Make sure you don’t put pressure on yourself or make your list to long. Even cut your list down. Focus on one day at a time and write down the things you do get done instead of the other way around.
  3. Keep a Calendar
    Another way to simplify your life is to make sure you’re keeping a calendar. Staying organized with your calendar is a great way to know when you’re too busy to take on other responsibilities. Schedule time for yourself. Even a reset weekend is a great idea so you can make sure you’re taking care of you.
  4. Declutter
    This one is always inevitable when you’re thinking about simplifying. Having a decluttered home AND mind can put you at ease. It allows you to process your thoughts and make room for the things that truly matter in your life.
  5. Take Breaks from Social Media
    If you have ever done this before, you know exactly how it can impact you for the better. Taking a “fast” from social media is a great way to really find balance in your life and spend your time on what you really want.
  6. Stop Multitasking
    Do you multitask? I’m often multitasking which can lead to many of the tasks not getting completed or me not putting my best work forward. Simplify, one task at a time. Keep the tv off while you work, put the phone down while you drive, when you’re on a call – be on the call, don’t worry about what’s around you.
  7. Learn to Say No
    This took years of practice but I can tell you how freeing it really is when you only say yes to the things you really want to do and have time to do. Don’t feel like you have to give an answer right away, take the time to really process what the project would take before committing.
  8. Find FREE Things to Do
    I LOVE doing this, especially with the family. I’ve created a list of little day trips we can take to FREE activities in our area. This way I’m not creating any debt and we’re still working towards our finical goals but it simplifies our summer while still allowing us to create memories.
  9. Watch Less TV
    TV is mindlessness and a big timewaster. I’m a big tv watcher so I can say that. I’ll find myself sitting down to watch something after finishing a task only to find I’ve sat through 2 episodes and spent way to long doing nothing. So on my list to simplify, this is at the top.
  10. Read
    What a beautiful thing to get wrapped up in a book. Slow down, take a minute to read. Find something new to learn, get a self help book or relax in a romance.

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