3 Ways to Be Kind Today


We recently passed National Kindness Day and it got me thinking. What can I do to be extra kind every day? I’m the type of person that likes to be kind. I enjoy knowing that people find me to be a kind person. I am curious though, how I can do more?

Too many people are going through struggles lately and I don’t know about you, but I enjoy being able to say that I helped someone have a better day. How about you? If you are feeling the desire to be kinder too, here are 3 ways to be kind today that can help. 

3 Ways to Be Kind Today

Listen to Others

When I say listen to others, I simply mean, listen. Sometimes people don’t have others to talk to and they desperately want to simply talk to someone. Be that someone for someone trying to talk to you and have a conversation. 

Donate Your Stuff

Do you have clothes, toys or household stuff that is in great shape that you no longer need? It’s time to donate it! Donating it anywhere is great, but my absolute favorite way to donate is to join my local buy nothing or free groups on Facebook and post them there. I recently gave away clothes that my boys no longer wear to local people and the response I got was wonderful! My teenagers tend to wear higher end clothes (bought at a discount, of course) and my 5 year old barely wears more than his boxer shorts at home so his clothes are all in fantastic shape so people were absolutely thrilled to get them for their kids. 

Send a Text to Someone You Haven’t Heard from in a While

Do you have a friend you haven’t talked to for a while? Grab your phone and send them a message! It doesn’t have to be a long, drawn out text. Just a “Hi! I just wanted to say that I’m thinking of you!”

These simple three things could bring some beautiful smiles to people today!

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