Muddy Spring? Avoid Mud in the House with These Tips


Okay, so it’s not technically spring yet, but it’s inching up on us. Is it rainy where you are? I happen to have a long, gravel driveway and two dogs so mud happens here. A lot. 

If you are hoping to avoid mud in your house this spring (I know I am!). You are one of millions, my friends! Avoid mud in the house with these tips and keep yourself from stressing too much over it this coming spring!

Muddy Spring? Avoid Mud in the House with These Tips

Use Rugs and Mats

Rugs, rugs, rugs!! Put rugs on the inside of your dogs and door mats on the outside. Make sure anyone who walks through the doors wipes their feet outside and then again when they come inside. This step alone will help tremendously. 

Keep Towels By the Door for the Pups

If you have dogs, you know how much mud they can trek in. Start keeping a towel or towels by the doro to wipe off their feet when they come in from outside. This step alone has saved my sanity because my dogs track in a lot of mud!!  

Replace Your Grass This Spring

This one will not help you right away but replanting and filling in grass this spring will do you wonders with the mud next year (and as the year goes on, of course). The more grass you have, the less mud you’ll have. 

Order Gravel

If you have a gravel driveway, bringing in a new load of gravel will be a wonderful help in dealing with any and all mud. Plus, it will make your driveway and yard in general look so much better! We order a load of gravel every few years and I always love it when we do!

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