4 Tips That Will Help You Save Time on Laundry


How often does your laundry become out of control? You know what I mean. That endless pile of laundry that seems like it will take hours or even days to conquer. If you have kids, you probably know exactly what I mean. 

I have 3 kids, two of which are teenagers that do sports which means multiple changes of clothes every single day. My laundry is out of control more often than not. In recent years though I have discovered these 4 tips that will help you save time on laundry.  

4 Tips That Will Help You Save Time on Laundry

Sort Your Laundry

Use separate hampers or laundry baskets to organize your laundry. Teaching your family to place their laundry in the appropriate baskets as soon as they put their laundry in the baskets will help you to save time so that you don’t have to do the sorting when it comes time to do the laundry. 

Organize Your Laundry Space

Want to save time on laundry? Make sure your laundry room is organized and easy to navigate. The less time you have to spend searching for dryer sheets and laundry soap, the easier it is to get the job done. 

Put it on the Schedule

Do your laundry on a schedule. If you choose a specific day to do your laundry and make sure to do your laundry on that day every time, you’ll find that your laundry does not pile up quite as much. 

Get Rid of Some of Your Clothes

Let’s be real here. You probably have more clothes than you need. More clothes equals more laundry. I cannot tell you the amount of times that I have ended up washing clothes that I know have not been worn. I do have a teenage daughter after all. She is great at going through multiple outfits each day and tossing them on the floor as she goes. If you have fewer clothes, this won’t happen nearly as often.

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