5 Easy Ways to Save Money on Gas

Gas prices are rising and it’s getting hard to keep up with them! This past weekend I’ve been driving a lot and notice how gas prices are really hurting my budget. So I’ve come up with 5 different ways to save money on gas. These are easy things you can do that in the long run will save you big.

  1. Carpool. This is such a lifesaver for both time and money. Often times you may only think of carpooling to work, but do you think about carpooling to other activities? I have four kids that play different sports and do different activities. Finding a friend that I can carpool with saves me so much time and money, especially now that gas is so expensive. If I can share those drives to kids’ activities I’m saving so much gas.
  2. Use public transportation or other modes of transportation. Not driving your car is the way to save a ton a money on gas, right? So try to find some ways to get here and there without driving your car. Can you walk more? Can you bike more? Changing your mentality of always driving can save you so much money. Try walking the kids to school or riding bikes to the library. For longer distances look into your public transportation.
  3. Shop with Rewards. I shop at my local Kroger store called Smith’s. This store offers fuel rewards points when I make purchases. Since I’m shopping their anyways, I might as well earn some fuel points that can then save me money at the pump. I do need to clip the coupons, so be aware of those grocery stores you shop at and clip those fuel coupons if available.
  4. Check & Compare Prices. When I was traveling this weekend I was in a town where the gas station right off the freeway was $1 per gallon MORE than a  gas station  1 mile off of the freeway. It was definitely worth it for me to drive that extra mile to snag that much lower price on gas. Be aware of prices near you and go to those cheaper places, even when you’re traveling.
  5. Use Gas Apps. Have you hard of Gas Buddy? It’s an app that helps you compare gas prices near you. Give it a try and see what you think. This would definitely come in handy when you’re traveling and as prices keep changing.

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