4 Ways to Find Motivation to Clean Your House

Are you struggling to find the motivation to get your house clean? I know I have been feeling that this weekend! With 3 kids, it’s hard to want to clean the house every single day, but I do have some tricks to get myself motivated to get up and clean. How about you? Are there specific things that you do that help get you in the right headspace to tackle your to do list?

I have listed out some of the ways to find motivation to clean your house that consistently help me get moving and get busy tackling my seemingly never ending to-do list. Maybe they can help you too!

4 Ways to Find Motivation to Clean Your House

Turn on Some Tunes

Got a particular type of music that makes you move? Crank it up! I’m a big music fan and if music is playing in my house in the middle of the day, I can guarantee that housework or projects are getting done. I love adding some tunes to my housework days. 

Get Dressed

As it turns out, wearing my pajamas makes me want to be lazy. Weird, right?! I have found that getting dressed before doing housework helps a lot!! I don’t mean dressing up, of course, but get out of those pj’s and get into actual clothes that don’t make you feel like it’s bed time. 

Read a Housekeeping Article

Grab your favorite home magazine or look up a housekeeping article online. It’s amazing how much seeing pretty, clean homes can make you want to do the same to yours. 

Invite Some Friends Over

Grab your phone and invite some friends over! Not to help you clean, of course. Here’s the thing. If all else fails and you cannot find the motivation to clean house, knowing that you have a house full of people coming over later will probably do the trick! Plus, you get to reward your hard work with a nice visit with friends.

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