My Favorite Benefits of Journaling

Do you keep a journal? Are you thinking about starting? I sporadically kept a journal as a kid, but once I became an adult I always felt that it was something that I was too busy for. Quite a while back I decided to start up again and oh my goodness, has it been a life changing thing for me. 

I love it so much that I truly think that it is something that most people should try. I have listed my favorite benefits of journaling below so that you can see just how great it can be!

My Favorite Benefits of Journaling

Helps me Process My Emotions and Thoughts

My days are busy and oftentimes I’m left thinking about the myriad of things I have dealt with throughout the day. When I journal them at the end of the day, I feel a weight lifted. My mind can relax because I have “vented” about the day and I know which things I need to think about later and which are finished. 

It Helps Me to Remember

I have ADHD and I have been diagnosed with short term memory loss. I keep a small journal in my purse so that whenever I am out and about I can write important things down, because as much as I want to remember everything, the reality is that I just won’t. I have forgotten many important things throughout the days and I decided to take charge and make sure that that doesn’t happen again. 

Additionally, as a creator, I have new ideas all the time. If I don’t right them down, I often forget what they were. I like writing them down so that I can look back on them at the end of the day and if I still like the idea, I can think about moving forward with them. 

It’s Relaxing

I love having quiet time. I have learned that I am at my best when I take “me” time each day to relax. This sometimes means sitting quietly and journaling. It helps refresh me and get me prepared for the next day.

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