4 Breakfast Smoothie Recipes That are Perfect for the Summer

We love smoothies around here, but I often get in a rut of just throwing things in. It’s nice to switch it up and have a different recipes some days. Plus, one easy way to eat a healthier breakfast is to have a healthy breakfast smoothie. It’s easy and can be an on the go breakfast option as well. Here are 5 recipes that are the perfect breakfast choice.

  1. Blueberry Pie Smoothie by Buildyourbite.com
  2. Oatmeal Berry Breakfast Smoothie by northsouthblonde.com
  3. Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie by Like Mother Like Daughter
  4. Peach Carrot Smoothie by Primavara Kitchen

You could buy the ingredients and have one every day of the week. You might just get your family hooked too. Enjoy!

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