4 Ways to Work Out Regularly Without Paying for a Gym Membership

Are you trying to move your body more? Trying to get in shape and get yourself healthy? Did you know that you can do this without a costly gym membership? It’s true! Gym memberships costs so much money, plus you typically have to sign on for a specified length of time, so even if you stop working out, you are still paying for it each month. 

There are some seriously awesome at home workouts you can do though that can get you healthy, get your body in shape and won’t cost you a thing! Let’s get fit, shall we?

4 Ways to Work Out Regularly Without Paying for a Gym Membership

Workout Videos

While I’m not a huge fan of workout videos myself, many people are big fans of this workout opportunity. I have done a lot of them and have found success with them, I just find that I personally don’t stay motivated doing them. That being said, I know that there are some great ones out there! 

Here are some of the places you can find workout videos to stream:




Hit the Ground Walking

Walking is one of the best and easiest workouts that you can do! And it’s free!! I love walking outside so I have found a great loop near my house that I walk often to keep my body moving.


Hiking is a great thing to do if you are a fan of walking, but want to step it up a bit. I would be willing to bet that there are many great trails near you that you can explore. Hiking is great for finding beautiful nature around you, while getting a good workout in. 

Housework, Gardening and Chores

I bet you didn’t know that you actually burn quite a few calories each day just from doing your everyday chores and even gardening (especially gardening!). I did a little bit of weeding the other day and my watch informed me that I had reached my step goal for the day and I woke up to sore muscles too.

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