Tips for Writing a Great Christmas Letter


Have you ever received a Christmas letter in the mail? Do you love them? If you are wanting to write one yourself, you can! Here are some wonderful tips for writing a great Christmas letter to send out to your friends and family. 

Christmas letters are often full of fun, sweet and interesting things that families have been up to over the years and I don’t know about you, but I absolutely love being in the loop and hearing great things about my friends and family. 

Tips for Writing a Great Christmas Letter

These tips for writing a great Christmas letter will help you put together a great one! 

Don’t Brag

Some people don’t like Christmas letters because to them they feel like people use them to brag to others. Don’t be the one to do this. Yes, you want to share all of the good things, but don’t do it in a bragging way. Also keep in mind that not everyone has had great, successful years and you don’t want to make them feel bad about that by only focusing on the great thing that have happened to you. 

Don’t focus on materialistic things or financial things, rather, focus on great things that have happened with your family and memories made together. 

Make it Cheerful

Start out with a cheerful greeting. A “Hello, Family” “Merry Christmas, friends” or similar intro into the letter will get it started the right way. 

Add Color

This may seem like a childish addition to your Christmas letter, but I assure you, adding color to your letter makes it even more cheerful, therefore more fun to read. I actually like to buy some Christmas themed paper to have the Christmas letter printed on. 

Send it Out on Time

Be sure to send your letter out in time for your recipients to receive it before Christmas. I recommend sending it out anytime from the day after Thanksgiving to about a week before Christmas.

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