Kick the Winter Blues with These 5 Tricks

It’s nearing the end of February which means that most of us are ready for Spring. With the lack of sunlight and the colder weather, Winter can seem so long. Many people experience the winter blues especially as the winter months have gone on and on. Check out these 5 tricks that I try and do every winter to keep my spirits high and dare I say, even enjoy Winter!

  1. Go outside everyday. This year I have noticed more and more people walking outside during the cold days. I used to hear my mom say, “there is not a walk we can’t dress for.” That basically means that in the winter you can wear all the layers you have, bundle up, and go for a walk. Being our in nature will change your mood and somehow when you walk back inside you feel happier.
  2. Try a winter sport. If you live in an area with snow then use it to your benefit! Try snowshoeing, cross country skiing, downhill skiing, tubing, ice fishing, ice skating, or sledding. Look at a local second hand store for equipment or borrow some from a neighbor. Who knows, you may come to like it so much you can invest in your own gear.
  3. Exercise. Have you noticed that when it’s darker for longer it’s harder to get up in the mornings? I sure do! That’s my time to exercise and every morning I don’t want to get up! I notice the days that I do a quick exercise in the morning I’m happier. I can control my emotions better and my body feels so good. Is it hard? Definitely, but you’ll notice a difference in your day. If you need some motivation, then email your support people like sisters, brothers, friends or co-workers. Make an exercise motivation group where you can help each other through these darker months. I started an email with my sisters stating what exercise program I would do each morning. This way I was accountable and had people to cheer me on. Give it a try.
  4. Serve Others. When we forget about ourselves and think of others, our moodiness suddenly disappears. We are focusing our thoughts and energy onto someone else. You will probably also notice that other people have struggles too and sometimes they are far worse than your own. Look around in your neighborhood and community. Where could you volunteer your time and talents? Who is sad and lonely? Even a nice homemade cooked meal for someone who is struggling is a big thing. We try to shovel our neighbors driveways whenever we can. Being outside and serving really lifts the spirits. Your kids can even join in.  Try making a goal for once a week to help someone in need. This will direct your focus outwards instead of keeping it on yourself.
  5. Do something spontaneous. If you are getting in a rut then it’s time to do something a little crazy.  Look online for things to do around you. Then choose one that you normally would not do. For example, I’ve seen activities like a midnight snowshoeing, or a night triathlon or downhill snow tubing. My neighbor even mentioned to get a headlight and dress warm and then when it’s super dark at night go on a walk through our little wooded area by us and listen for owls. My brain would normally say NO! Stay in a warm house and go to bed on time. However, if you try one of these activities that you wouldn’t normally it will wake you up from your funk and put a smile on your face.

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