Tips for Saving on Pet Expenses

Do you have pets? If you do, I certainly don’t have to tell you how expensive they can be! I have 2 dogs that don’t have any health issues or needs, but I still spend $75+ per month on them. If they happen to need anything else, those expenses grow quickly. 

For most of us, our pets are our family and we want to take great care of them. Because of this many of us are willing to spend whatever is needed to take care of them. If you are looking for ways to save money on pet expenses, these tips can help you! 

Tips for Saving on Pet Expenses


If you are prepared for the expenses, both typical and unexpected, can help ease the pain of how much you have to spend on your animals. 

Be sure to budget for the following:

  • Food
  • Medications
  • Grooming Care or Supplies
  • Vaccinations
  • Annual Vet Visits

Compare Prices

Comparing prices can help you to be sure that you are getting the best deals. This goes for everything from dog food to vet care to toys. 

Do Home Grooming

Groomers are great and help save you some work, but let’s face it. Regular grooming can cost a fortune! You’ll be far better off buying grooming supplies and doing it yourself at home. 

Buy in Bulk

We say this about groceries and household supplies often, but the same goes for pet supplies. Buying in bulk can save you a lot of money!

Keep up with Preventative Care

Keeping up on your animal’s preventative care can help to avoid emergency expenses. Making sure to keep up with dental care, vaccinations and prevention (flea control, etc) are all parts of preventative care that is imperative for your pet’s health and your budget. 

Just like with people, preventative care tends to be considerably cheaper than treating an illness.

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